Controversy over the intersection of patient rights, health care practitioner’s rights and professional health care ethics is continuing in legal and legislative skirmishes in states across the country. This topic was the focus of a 2010 Legal Issue of the Month article (Morgan, S. and Polowy, C., 2010) which outlined a number of unresolved complexities and highlighted relevant legal, regulatory and legislative provisions. A recent federal appeal in a Michigan-based case, Ward v. Wilbanks, et al., highlights the refusal by a counseling intern to treat a gay client based on her religious beliefs disapproving of homosexuality.
The information in this booklet has been developed by a coalition of education, health, mental health, and religious organizations that share a concern for the health and education of all students in schools, including lesbian, gay, and bisexual students.*We know you also share this concern—that all students have an opportunity to learn and develop in a safe and supportive environment.