Though domestic violenc is not limited to any one socioeconomic, ethnic, racial, or religious group, the burden of exposure for racial minorities to domestic violence is reported to be significantly high.
The importance of assuring the people with limited English proficiency have access to health care and other services has long been supported. Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 prohibited discrimination based on race, color, or national origin by any organization that receives federal financial funding.
Immigrant families comprise a large and increasing number of all families in the United States. They are also a growing population in many state and county child welfare systems. Despite the fact that immigrants come to the U.S. seeking a better life, many immigrants have limited supports and resources.
This brief hits the highlights for racial change. It tells what a Racial Equity Impact Assessment is, why it’s important, and how decision makers can use this new tool to help reduce, eliminate and prevent racial inequities and discrimination.
The concept of historic trauma was developed in the 1980s by First Nations and Aboriginal peoples in Canada to explain the seeming unending cycle of trauma and despair in their communities. The devastating trauma of genocide, loss of culture, and forcible removal from family and communities are all unresolved and become a sort of "psychological baggage... continuously being acted out and recreated in contemporary Aboriginal culture."
The purpose of this document is to address one key and significant social issue, institutional (also known as structural) racism. It offers a vision for how the social work profession can address structural racism, in terms of both limiting its negative influence and creating conditions for effectuating realistic, achievable positive outcomes.
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