EP20: Support for Caregivers

NASW Social Work Talks Podcast

Our guest Santo D. Marabella, MBA, DSW (a.k.a., The Practical Prof®) is an author, playwright, filmmaker, speaker and educator. He's the author of "The Lessons of Caring: Inspiration and Support for Caregivers."

He talks about the lessons he's learned while caring for his aging parents, and how this book can help others in similar situations.

Posted Dec. 18, 2018

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NASW Resources

NASW Standards for Social Work Practice with Family Caregivers of Older Adults
Designed to enhance social work practice with family caregivers of older adults and to help the public understand the role of professional social work in supporting family caregivers

NASW Standards for Palliative & End of Life Care
These standards are designed to enhance social workers’ awareness of the skills, knowledge, values, methods, and sensitivities needed to work effectively with clients, families, health care providers, and the community when working in end of life situations.

NASW Standards for Social Work Services in Long-Term Care Facilities
As leaders and members of interdisciplinary teams, social workers must constantly be aware of the overall goals, objectives, and tasks of their practice area and interpret them appropriately to maintain professional activities and competencies.

Older Americans Act issue brief
Advocates for increased funding for the Older Americans Act to enhance older adults’ dignity, health, and independence.

Help Starts Here
This NASW blog provides consumer-oriented information about aging and the role of social work in supporting older adults and family caregivers; includes online databases to locate social workers specializing in aging.

NASW Press Publications

Caregiving and Care Sharing: A Life Course Perspective
Provides guidance for caregivers of older adults and examines the experiences of older caregivers caring for younger family members

Empowering Social Workers for Practice with Vulnerable Older Adults
Teaches the generalist social worker how to work with vulnerable older adults and presents a useful model to guide social workers in assessing capacity and making intervention decisions

Foundations of Social Work Practice in the Field of Aging
Describes knowledge and skills required in direct practice, group work, and macro practice with older adults; outlines the Geriatric Social Work Competencies and suggests how these competencies can be integrated into foundation curriculum

Perspectives on Productive Aging
Emphasizes the social work profession’s responsibility to promote older adults’ community engagement and to advocate for elder rights and quality of life

NASW Social Work Talks

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