Military Terminology & Acronyms
These terms may be useful to social workers who work with service members, veterans, and their families. For an extensive list of terminology, see the
Department of Defense Terminology Dictionary.
- AD: Active Duty
- AWOL: Absent Without Official Leave (or Unauthorized Absence)
- BDU: Battle Dress Uniform
- BCT: Basic Combat Training
- CO: Commanding Officer
- CoC: Chain of Command
- CONUS/OCONUS: Continental United States or Outside Continental United States
- DA: Department of the Army
- DEERS: Defense Enrollment Eligibility Reporting System
- DFAS: Defense Finance and Accounting Services
- DMPO: Defense Military Pay Office
- DoD: Department of Defense
- DFAC: Dining Facility (Mess Hall)
- DS: Drill Sergeant
- IBA: Individual Body Armor
- Leave: Off Duty
- MOS: Military Occupational Specialty (Formal job classification, usually expressed as a number or number/letter combination)
- MP: Military Police
- MRE: Meal Ready to Eat
- NCO: Non-Commissioned Officer
- NECL Navy Enlisted Classification
- OEF: Operation Enduring Freedom (Afghanistan)
- OIF: Operation Iraqi Freedom (Iraq)
- OND: Operation New Dawn (Iraq)
- PCS: Permanent Change of Station
- RITA: Relocation Income Tax Allowance
- TDY: Temporary Duty
- TLA: Temporary Lodging Allowance
- TLE: Temporary Lodging Expense
- USA: United States Army
- USAF: United States Air Force
- USCG: United States Coast Guard
- USMC: United States Marine Corps
- USN: United States Navy
- WO: Warrant Officer
- XO: Executive Officer