Notes from the Field: Health
October 2003
HIV/AIDS Highlights
The NASW HIV/AIDS Spectrum: Mental Health Training and Education Project participated in the bi-annual meeting of the Mental Health HIV Services Collaborative (MHHSC). The MHHSC Programs are funded through a federal grant, and are designed to address unmet mental health treatment needs of individuals living with HIV/AIDS who are African American, Hispanic/Latino and/or from other communities of color. NASW implemented an evaluation tool targeting managers/administrators and front-line workers to self-identifying training, education, and technical assistance needs regarding HIV/AIDS, substance use, and mental health services.
NASW is a continuing Program Planning Committee member of the Annual National AIDS Update Conference, co-sponsored by the Florida/Caribbean AIDS Education Training Center. The conference theme is “Unity of Purpose, Diversity of Action.” The call for papers will be posted on the NASW website, and will include a track addressing mental health, HIV/AIDS, and substance use.
HIV/AIDS Spectrum practice section content includes program information, updated listings of continuing education opportunities across the country, practice updates and fact sheets, and related resources.