NASW and CMSA Seek Comments on Caseload Concept Paper and Caseload Matrix
Caseload Work Group Completes First Steps Toward Development of a Caseload Calculator
NASW invites you to review and comment on the updated version of the caseload matrix and the accompanying caseload concept paper. NASW, along with the Case Management Society of America (CMSA) and other members of the Caseload Work Group, is pleased to present these documents, which provide the foundation from which a calculator to determine appropriate caseload size and case mix for case managers working in health, behavioral health, and workers' compensation settings can be developed.
The updated caseload matrix, first posted for member and public review in August 2007, incorporates the input of social workers, nurses, and other health care professionals, administrators and planners, and labor and consumer advocates. The concept paper expands upon the elements in the caseload matrix, presents research supporting the significance of the matrix elements and the need for a caseload calculator, and documents the recommendations of the Caseload Work Group as it concludes the first phase of its work.
The caseload matrix and concept paper were available for review and comment through August 4, 2008.