We Have More to Learn About Cannabis Use

Editor's Note

By Laetitia Clayton

Laetitia Clayton

If you’ve walked down a city street in recent years, particularly in larger cities, you’ve likely noticed the smell of cannabis wafting through the air. Marijuana dispensaries have popped up everywhere as well, either selling cannabis products for medicinal purposes or for recreational use, depending on the state.

While some tout the medical benefits of cannabis, others point to the lack of research into the physical and mental effects the drug can have on users. Our cover story takes a closer look at these issues.

We also examine school violence, and how it has become a fact of school life instead of a hypothetical, and we have an article about forensic social work—what it is and how it intersects with other areas of the profession.

NASW also is recognizing and celebrating all social workers during March, with the theme “Social Work: Compassion + Action.” 

Happy Social Work Month!

Until next time,


cover of Winter 2025 issue

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