Chapter Briefs

NASW-NYC, NASW-New York State: Presentation Examines Solitary Confinement on Riker's Island

shadow of person behind bars

NASW’s New York State and New York City chapters hosted a virtual presentation called “Locked Away But Not Forgotten: The Social Work call to End Solitary Confinement.” The presentation centers on the history of solitary confinement, and current issues regarding solitary confinement on Rikers Island. Participants will learn about ethical concerns among social workers and how they can be involved. Attendees can gain insight into organizations that are addressing inhumane conditions on Rikers Island and how they can advocate for justice for impacted individuals.

NASW-Massachusetts: State Bill Aims to Tear Down Barriers

social worker meeting with older client

To increase support for current social workers and encourage more students to enter the profession, a bill called the SUPER Act is under consideration in the Massachusetts legislature. The bill would provide stipends for students, incentivize licensed social workers to mentor student trainees, and remove the Association of Social Work Boards (ASWB) exam from master’s degree requirements. The NASW Massachusetts Chapter highlighted an article by the Daily Hampshire Gazette, based in North Hampshire, Mass., that discusses the bill. A state-funded grant program would provide stipends for master’s degree students in unpaid work-based placements, prioritizing first-generation students, students of color, and marginalized communities.

NASW-Nevada: Social Work Book Club Offers CEUs

person reading a book

For those seeking a flexible and engaging way to fulfill their continuing education requirements, the NASW Nevada Chapter is promoting its exclusive social work virtual book club. Participants can earn up to 18 CEUs per year by reading from a specially curated selection of social work–related books. Among the benefits is the ability to explore social work literature, engage in discussions with a community of passionate social workers, and be part of a group that encourages you to meet your reading and professional goals.

NASW-Texas: Chapter Presentation Explores Rules, Laws that Impact Texas Social Workers

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NASW Texas Executive Director Will Francis, LMSW, is presenting “Look Before You Leap – Developing an Ethical Framework for Social Work Practice in Texas,” which aims to boost social work skills by providing participants with the latest information on the rules and laws that impact social workers in Texas. Everyone from licensed social workers to students and social work educators will benefit from this webinar, organizers said.

cover of Winter 2025 issue

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