Updated Case Examples of Ethical Challenges Included in Revised Ethics Casebook


By Paul R. Pace

the social work Ethics Casebook

The NASW Press book “The Social Work Ethics Casebook, Revised 2nd Edition: Cases and Commentary” is the latest text written by social work ethics expert Frederic G. Reamer, PhD, professor emeritus in the School of Social Work at Rhode Island College. Reamer answers questions about the book.

The 2nd edition of this book came out six years ago. What is new in this revised edition? Seasoned social workers understand that ethical issues in the profession are not static. Indeed, today’s social workers continue to encounter novel and unprecedented ethical challenges that did not exist when they started their careers. Our understanding of ethical issues in social work continues to evolve, as does the ethical guidance that is embedded in the NASW Code of Ethics. This new edition of the book includes updated case examples of ethical challenges and applies the recently revised NASW Code of Ethics to them. This edition also includes a significantly updated list of resources that social workers can consult concerning the wide array of ethical issues I address.

Are there new case studies to note? This edition includes fresh content on case-based ethics challenges social workers encounter, especially related to practitioners’ cultural competence, cultural humility, and ethical duty to engage in responsible self-care. This is a reflection of the most recent updates to the NASW Code of Ethics on these important topics and concepts.

What would you like potential readers to know about the book? All social workers understand the critical importance and value of case-based learning. In this book, I blend in-depth discussion of key ethics concepts and standards with practical application to the real-life circumstances social workers face as clinicians, supervisors, managers, administrators, policy practitioners, and researchers.

NASW Press books are available in print and ebook at NASWPress.org.

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