Fighting the Fentanyl Crisis

Editor's Note

By Laetitia Clayton

Laetitia Clayton

The opioid crisis is characterized as the worst in U.S. history and among the gravest crises facing the nation. Illicit fentanyl has emerged as one of the most dangerous opioids, especially when it targets young people. Fighting this epidemic is not impossible, however, and people across the country are working to find solutions.

Perhaps most heartening are the concerned teens who are actively involved in finding ways to prevent fentanyl overdoses and deaths among their peers. Students are advocating for legislation and forming organizations to help social workers and others put an end to this crisis in schools— and beyond.

Another encouraging development for the profession is the recent advancement of the social work interstate licensure compact, which would allow social workers to practice across states and provide more people with access to mental health services. Ten states had passed related legislation at press time, and more are expected to follow.

You can read about these topics and more in this issue.

Until next time,

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The first name of Kalimah Johnson was misspelled on p. 46 of the Winter issue. We regret the error.