Amicus Brief Opposes Placement of Children in Adult Prisons

Legal Defense Fund

NASW and the NASW Louisiana Chapter joined six other organizations recently in filing an amicus brief in the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals. The brief opposes the placement of children in adult prisons and supports the removal of children from Angola Prison, an adult maximum-security prison in Louisiana.

NASW supports assisting children and youths who enter the juvenile justice system in a manner commensurate with their age, developmental level, and ability to differentiate between right and wrong. The brief explains the detrimental impact placing children in an adult prison system has on their development, safety, and chances of successful reintegration into society. Adult prisons also provide insufficient access to educational programming and mental and physical health services.

NASW said it hopes the amicus brief will provide the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals with information that will persuade the court to allow the order to stand, and not to return children to Angola Prison.

Learn more on the Legal Defense Fund website.

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