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Social Work Advocates

June / July 2019 Issue

graphic of person floating on a hundred-dollar bill

Finances First: How Social Workers Can Help Level the Salary Playing Field

Skills like advocating for people and causes can be used to improve wages for all social workers.

graphic of domed building with circles

The Big Picture: Policy Careers Help Social Workers Effect Change from the Top Down

Whether in the private sector, in administration or on Capitol Hill, social workers working in policy are effecting change.

Kathryn Conley Wehrmann, PhD, MSW, LCSW

Elevating Social Work in Mississippi

NASW President Kathryn Conley Wehrmann, PhD, LCSW, was inspired by a visit to the NASW Mississippi chapter, where she heard about their accomplishments and challenges.

Angelo McClain, PhD, LICSW

Professional Strength Through Connectedness

Connection is an integral part of professional identity for social workers. And feeling connected as a member of NASW can deepen that sense of professional meaning and purpose.

Social Work Advocates magazine covers

Magazine Staff

Managing Editor
Laetitia Clayton

Senior Editor
Paul R. Pace

Gail Woods Waller

Media Contact

Members of the media, email with interview requests, comments and questions.


Jim Snyder


Member Address Changes
(800) 742-4089

Non-member Subscriptions / Address Changes
NASW Press Distribution Center
(800) 227-3590

Subscription Price:
Members, $17 (included in annual dues); non-members, $35 per year; single copy, $8.