Social Work Advocates

Winter Issue 2025

Winter Issue 2025

Social Work Advocates National Association of Social Workers Winter 2025

Cover Story

Cannabis leaf and the word warning

Cannabis: As Drug Becomes More Mainstream, Experts Sound the Alarm About its Dangers

Research on the effects of cannabis use is limited, despite the fact it is cited as the most commonly used illicit drug in the U.S. As the country moves toward legalizing cannabis on a federal level, social workers and other experts are issuing a wake-up call about its potential dangers.

Feature Article

Emojis in text boxes

Violence in Schools: Social Workers Need to be Part of the Change

Violence, or the threat of violence, has become a fact of school life instead of a hypothetical. For that to change, the adults in students’ lives—including social workers in schools and in the community—need to find the resources to make a difference.

Feature Article

drawing of kids walking to prison from school

Forensic Social Work: Specialization Overlaps With Many Areas of the Profession

This specialty practice area is the intersection of social work practice and the legal system, both criminal and civil. Many social workers encounter forensics within their scope of practice without even realizing it. Criminal defense, child custody issues, juvenile and adult justice, corrections, and mandated treatment all fall within the realm of forensic social work.

From the President

Yvonne Chase

Social Workers Must Remain Strong and Engaged as History Repeats Itself

NASW President Yvonne Chase cites several historical references that show how history is repeating itself in the Trump administration's policies of exclusion and oppression.

Workforce News

Barbara Bedney

New Year, New Challenges, New Opportunities for Social Work

NASW Chief of Programs Barbara Bedney outlines opportunities to advance the profession while facing the challenges ahead.


tiles stalked with drawings of people on them

Complicity is not an Option: Pushing Back on Harmful Federal Policies

Social workers Mia Ocean and Debbie Raucher remind us that we can enact social justice every day—in big and small ways—and that complicity is not an option.

NASW News 

White House at dusk

NASW Prepares to Monitor and Act on Trump Administration's Policies

The association already has issued a news release saying it will fight policies that harm immigrants, women, people of color, people who are LGBTQIA2S+ or other vulnerable populations.

NASW News 

Man behind a music production table

Virtual Forum Focuses on Mental Health of Children, Youth, Families

"Mental Health Matters: Working with Children, Youth, and Families” explored best practices and strategies to enhance the leadership roles of social workers in this area.

Schools of Social Work

3 people with person in uniform

From Service Member to Civilian: Supporting Current and Former Military Personnel

Military social work education and research aim to support active military members and veterans, with a focus on understanding their culture and language.

Public Eye

Valerie Arendt, Karen Goodenough, Lequita Brooks, Jana Wu, Crystal N. Hutchinson, Danika Mills

In the Public Eye

NASW members quoted in media stories discuss the topics of hurricane disaster response; running for political office; access to mental health services; leveraging natural positivity responses in the brain; negativity bias; and meeting the needs of caregivers.

Backstory 1

Tina Pagotto

CEO, Bethesda Project: Tina Pagotto, MSW

"Seeing an intervention work after many ineffectual attempts; the beauty of a site honoring a resident who passed away; a staff member stepping out of their comfort zone—the list is long on the micro level,” Pagotto says. “At the macro level, I’m very proud to have introduced core values to guide our practice.”

Backstory 2


Representative for Maine House District 46, Maine House of Representatives: Lydia Crafts, LCSW

In addition to her work in elected office, Crafts is an outpatient therapist. She finds the balance of clinical work with macro to be incredibly rewarding. “Every day my brain is doing very different work, which I love."

Practice Updates


Clinical Practice

cover of Winter 2025 issue

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