News Releases

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Dec 10, 2009

NASW today announced its support of the “Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act”. NASW, representing nearly 150,000 social workers nationwide, strongly supports this historic legislation and urges the Senate to pass health care reform for Americans now. If passed, differences with a separate House version of health reform legislation will still need to be resolved.

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Folks sitting and looking at newspapers, phones, and tablets
Nov 16, 2009

Prominent social work researchers met at the National Association of Social Workers today to examine how the social work profession might best contribute to expanding comparative effectiveness research (CER) for health and psychosocial services. The goal is to develop a profession-wide action agenda that addresses areas of enhanced social work research, researcher training, interdisciplinary collaborations, research-to-practice connections and communication efforts.

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Folks sitting and looking at newspapers, phones, and tablets
Jun 12, 2009

NASW applauds President Obama’s historic nomination of Sonia Sotomayor to the Supreme Court.  We appreciate Judge Sotomayor’s distinguished judicial record, highlighted by her respect for human dignity and the needs of all Americans. 

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Folks sitting and looking at newspapers, phones, and tablets
Mar 27, 2009

The goal of S. 686 is to ensure access to a range of critical social work services provided in hospitals, schools, clinics, agencies, the military, and in private businesses.   The bill is named in part for Dr. Dorothy I. Height, one of the key architects of the civil rights movement and a distinguished social work pioneer.

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Folks sitting and looking at newspapers, phones, and tablets
Mar 18, 2009

On March 17, the Social Work Month and World Social Work Day Resolution, H. RES. 240, passed the House of Representatives with a vote of 421 – 0.  The resolution was introduced by Rep. Carol Shea-Porter from New Hampshire.  Representative Shea-Porter is one of nine social workers in Congress.

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Folks sitting and looking at newspapers, phones, and tablets
Mar 02, 2009

NASW has kicked off its annual Social Work Month celebration with an outreach effort aimed at educating prospective and returning college students about the great purpose and countless possibilities of the social work profession.

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Folks sitting and looking at newspapers, phones, and tablets
Feb 12, 2009

The conference—titled “The Aging Boom: Is Your Clinical Practice Ready?”—will prepare social work private practitioners to better serve this growing demographic.  NASW partnered with the American Society on Aging and National Council on Aging (ASA/NCOA) Aging in America Conference to host the event for approximately 400 professional social workers from across the country.  

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Folks sitting and looking at newspapers, phones, and tablets
Feb 03, 2009

H.R. 795 calls for a Social Work Reinvestment Commission to provide recommendations and strategies associated with the recruitment, retention, and research in the profession of social work. Specifically, the Commission will analyze how issues such as fair market compensation, educational debt, labor trends, social work research, workplace safety, and state-level licensure contribute to the lack of a sufficient social work workforce. 

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Folks sitting and looking at newspapers, phones, and tablets
Jan 28, 2009

In a milestone victory for women, NASW applauds the signing of the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act (S. 181), reversing the Supreme Court decision that limited women and other workers’ ability to sue for wage discrimination. The success of this bill indicates that Congress is ready to move towards the ideal of fairness in pay for women across America.

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Folks sitting and looking at newspapers, phones, and tablets
Jan 14, 2009

NASW urges Congress to include provisions in the economic recovery bill that encourage the development of a national interoperable health information infrastructure (HIT), provided it includes comprehensive statutory protections for the privacy and security of consumer health records.  NASW supports privacy and security for personal health records as an essential element of HIT legislation, now being prepared for passage.

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