News Releases

Folks sitting and looking at newspapers, phones, and tablets
Jun 12, 2008

The appellate court decisions in Boumediene v. Bush and Al Odah v. U.S., represented a clear violation of the rights of these detainees to gain timely access to the courts and to question the legality of their detention through the writ of habeas corpus.  In a 5-4 decision the Supreme Court reversed the Court of Appeals and struck down the Military Commissions Act of 2006 as unconstitutional, stating, “Liberty and security can be reconciled, and in our system, they are reconciled within the framework of the law.  The Framers decided that habeas corpus, a right of first importance, must be a part of that framework, a part of that law.” 

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Folks sitting and looking at newspapers, phones, and tablets
Jun 09, 2008

The National Association of Social Workers Foundation (NASWF) and Lambda Legal have partnered to improve out of home care for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgendered and questioning (LGBTQ) youth.

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Folks sitting and looking at newspapers, phones, and tablets
Apr 22, 2008

“For more than 25 years, William Bell has been a tireless advocate for the welfare of children and an exemplary representative of social work values.”

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Folks sitting and looking at newspapers, phones, and tablets
Apr 15, 2008

In concert with a global celebration of the social work profession, two U.S. Senators, who are also trained social workers, have introduced legislation that will help the nation’s 600,000 professional social workers better serve families and communities in need.  Senator Barbara A. Mikulski (D-MD) and Debbie Stabenow (D-MI) today introduced S. 2858—the Dorothy I. Height and Whitney M. Young Jr. Social Work Reinvestment Act—to address a nationwide shortage of social workers.

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Folks sitting and looking at newspapers, phones, and tablets
Mar 01, 2008

Social Work Month provides an opportunity for social workers to highlight the essential role they play in alleviating some of America’s most difficult problems.  Through education, training and dedication, social workers provide assistance in many different areas of practice including health, aging, mental health, child welfare, cancer, end of life, adolescent health, HIV/AIDS and family violence.

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Folks sitting and looking at newspapers, phones, and tablets
Feb 27, 2008

Congress is being asked to help the nation’s 600,000 professional social workers better serve families and communities in need.  U.S. Representative Edolphus Towns (D-NY) has introduced a bill that will establish a Social Work Reinvestment Commission to study policy issues associated with recruitment, retention, research and reinvestment in the profession of social work, and will support replicable programs of excellence throughout the country. 

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Folks sitting and looking at newspapers, phones, and tablets
Feb 14, 2008

NASW applauds the introduction today of H.R. 5447, the Dorothy I. Height and Whitney M. Young, Jr. Social Work Reinvestment Act by Congressman Edolphus Towns (D-NY) and Congressman Christopher Shays (R-CT).  This is a significant initiative which, if enacted, will enable the nation’s 600,000 professional social workers to better serve families and communities in need.

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Folks sitting and looking at newspapers, phones, and tablets
Oct 22, 2007

Following the release of an Oct. 14 syndicated column by George Will in the Washington Post, the NASW national and chapter offices have worked in partnership with various schools of social work to send letters to editors across the country.  The following letters have been published in response to the Will column which promoted findings from the National Association of Scholars

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Folks sitting and looking at newspapers, phones, and tablets
Sep 28, 2007

Ms. Harris has a rich history in the profession working primarily to strengthen families and provide support to children in need.  Throughout her career, she has acted in many capacities which bear out her commitment to children.  She has been instrumental in taking the lead on a number of initiatives to improve the child welfare system.

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Folks sitting and looking at newspapers, phones, and tablets
Sep 28, 2007

Since his election in 2002, Rep. Stewart has made a public commitment to improving the quality of life in Ohio, protecting the most vulnerable populations and addressing social issues in a way that strengthens the Columbus community and the entire state of Ohio.

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