News Releases

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Entries for 2017

Feb 14, 2017

NASW is withholding support for the Senate confirmation of Judge Neil Gorsuch to become a U.S. Supreme Court Justice. Although Judge Gorsuch’s judicial record is relatively sparse as it relates to the foremost issues of the day there are indications his judicial philosophy may conflict with social work values.

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Folks sitting and looking at newspapers, phones, and tablets
Feb 13, 2017

The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA) transformed our health care system and extended health insurance coverage to over 20 million individuals. Steps are in place to undo the progress we have made. NASW and Society for Social Work Leadership in Health Care (SSWLHC) oppose efforts to fully repeal the ACA which will abolish advances that have been made for consumers and providers thanks to the law.

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Folks sitting and looking at newspapers, phones, and tablets
Feb 02, 2017

NASW chooses not to support the Senate confirmation of Betsy DeVos to become U.S. Secretary of Education.

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Folks sitting and looking at newspapers, phones, and tablets
Jan 25, 2017

It was NASW’s position that because the father was never treated by Ms. McKeever, the social worker owed no legal duty to him. Imposing third party liability on social workers who are mandated reporters of suspected child abuse would jeopardize effective treatment and have serious and detrimental consequences in preventing child maltreatment.

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Folks sitting and looking at newspapers, phones, and tablets
Jan 18, 2017

NASW withholds its support of the confirmation of Dr. Ben Carson to be the next secretary of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) because he has no discernible qualifications to manage an agency of such magnitude and complexity.

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Folks sitting and looking at newspapers, phones, and tablets
Jan 10, 2017

NASW opposes the Senate confirmation of Rep. Tom Price (R-GA) to become Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) over concerns he will erode health care protections for millions of Americans and support efforts to repeal the Affordable Care Act.

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Folks sitting and looking at newspapers, phones, and tablets
Jan 06, 2017

NASW opposes the confirmation of Alabama Sen. Jeff Sessions to be the next U.S. Attorney General over deep concerns that during his tenure the United States could lose ground on important advances made during the past 50 years in civil and human rights.

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