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Austin, Texas Council Member Vanessa Fuentes is NASW’s 2024 Public Elected Official of the Year

WASHINGTON, D.C. – The National Association of Social Workers (NASW) is proud to announce Austin, Texas Council Member Vanessa Fuentes is the association’s Public Elected Official of the Year thanks to her commitment to improving health and livability, housing affordability, creative arts, and quality of life, particularly for vulnerable populations in her district. 

 The NASW Public Elected Official the Year Award honors elected officials who have made outstanding contributions that affect social justice, health care and other issue. From her first day in office in 2021, Council Member Fuentes has been dedicated to improving the quality of life for her constituents on issues ranging from improved access to health care and childcare to raising the minimum wage for city workers.

 Fuentes was raised in central Texas to an immigrant mother from Mexico and a military veteran father and said she understands the unique issues people in her district experience. Since starting a career in the public sector as a legislative aide specializing in criminal justice reform and a health care advocate at a nonprofit organization, Fuentes has pushed for healthy communities and racial justice. 

While in office, Fuentes has advocated for health equity as chair of the Public Health Committee and sponsored legislation to provide reproductive justice, enlist community health workers, provide vaccine distribution and mental health services, improve healthy food access and prevent displacements that can occur when residents can no longer afford taxes, home repairs, or rent. 

Council Fuentes has also focused on economic justice. She introduced and passed legislation to increase the minimum wage for Austin city employees to $20 per hour. She expanded access to childcare and dual-language and full-day pre-Kindergarten for families in her district. And Fuentes ensured library cards were made available at no cost to all youth in Travis County. 

Fuentes is also committed to environmental justice and understanding the impact of climate disasters on marginalized communities that are often more vulnerable to the effects of climate change. She co-sponsored implementation of the Austin Climate Equity Plan to help build communities that are more resilient to climate change and has connected residents with affordable flood mitigation opportunities. 

Council Member Fuentes exemplifies what an elected official should be – a person dedicated to serving all people in their district and not just the rich or powerful/ Fuentes’ work also enshrines a key principle of the NASW Code of Ethics that social workers follow and that is advocating for and uplifting the most vulnerable people in our society. NASW is honored to bestow this award on Council Member Fuentes.



The National Association of Social Workers (NASW), in Washington, DC, is the largest membership organization of professional social workers. It promotes, develops, and protects the practice of social work and social workers. NASW also seeks to enhance the well-being of individuals, families, and communities through its advocacy.
