Jul 08, 2012

Children who bully often become bosses who bully I want to comment on the workplace bullying article. What happens to children who bully? They become bosses who bully. Literature supports that if a “target” (the person the bully chooses) goes to HR with a complaint of workplace bullying, the chances are slim that there will be a positive outcome for the target. Targets are often consciencious, dedicated employees. Over time, co-workers pull away from the “target” as they do not want to be seen with the out-of-favor employee. Bullying is often a reason for an EAP referral in my private practice and is certainly an ar...

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Jul 07, 2012

NASW Associate Counsel Sherri Morgan, left, and NASW General Counsel Carolyn Polowy serve a cake in recognition of the 40th anniversary of the NASW Legal Defense Fund. The reception took place in April during the NASW Annual Leadership Meeting in Washington, D.C. In celebration of its 40th anniversary, the NASW Legal Defense Fund has introduced new content to its web page, and enhanced its fundraising and marketing capabilities to improve services for NASW members. The web page now offers a special 40th anniversary section, where members can view an LDF video project that includes interviews with social work leaders discussing what LDF me...

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Jul 06, 2012

The New Mexico Supreme Court issued a much-hailed decision on June 1 that acknowledges the legal status of nonbiological mothers who raise children with a same-sex partner. The decision supports the argument of an amicus brief that NASW and the New Mexico Chapter filed earlier in the case, Chatterjee v. King. It urged the court to recognize the importance of a child’s relationship with his or her parents regardless of a biological connection. The New Mexico Supreme Court ruled that a woman who has established a parental relationship with a child can be a legal parent under state law. The court stated that even if a nonbiological par...

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Jul 04, 2012

April 2012 Board's Action Context Finances Received financial statements as of Feb. 29, 2012. As of Feb. 29, 2012, net assets increased by $880,000 from the prior year. NASW’s total asset position is $14.8 million. The total value of the Association’s investments was $11.3 million, an increase of $231,000 from our position in February, 2011. This was due to strong investment gains. Ex...

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Jul 04, 2012

New agency combines previous entities that dealt with disability, aging and developmental disabilities. A single agency will now oversee the federal efforts previously supported by three entities within the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. The Administration on Aging, the Office on Disability and the Administration on Developmental Disabilities are now combined in the new Administration for Community Living, or ACL. The consolidation correlates with President Obama’s goal to promote care for people with disabilities and older adults in home- and community-based settings. HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius noted in a stat...

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Jun 15, 2012

Four ‘trailblazing’ women recognized during event’s 25th anniversary luncheon. Sen. Barbara Mikulski, D-Md., left, is recognized with a 2012 Fearless Trailblazer Award during a luncheon at the Women Money Power summit, held in March in Washington, D.C. Feminist Majority Foundation Board Chairwoman Mavis Leno is at right. Mikulski also accepted a Trailblazer award for Sen. Barbara Boxer, D-Calif., who was not able to attend the event. Women Money Power, a project of the Feminist Majority in partnership with the Feminist Majority Foundation, held its 2012 summit in March in Washington, D.C., which included a 25th anniversa...

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Jun 14, 2012

Recipients of the 2011 NASW Foundation Awards were recently announced. Peter B. Vaughan, dean at the Fordham University Graduate School of Social Service in New York City was selected to receive the Knee/Wittman Lifetime Achievement Award. Patricia Brownell, associate professor at Fordham University, stated in her support letter that in addition to being an educator, author, speaker and skilled clinician, Vaughan has continued his pioneering work by being an active researcher. “He has served as principal investigator and co-principal investigator on a variety of projects, including those for the Philadelphia Naval Base, the West Ph...

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Jun 11, 2012

The Bureau of Labor Statistics anticipates the social work profession will grow by 25 percent from 2010 to 2020, a faster-than-average rate for all occupations. “Employment is expected to increase in health and social service settings. In addition, particular attention will be given to increasing the current inadequate supply of behavioral health workers,” said Tracy Whitaker, director of the NASW Center for Workforce Studies & Social Work Practice. This was one of several insights Whitaker provided at the National Network of Social Work Managers’ 23rd Annual Management Institute in April, held in San Diego, Calif. W...

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Jun 10, 2012

Michael Collins, left, and Diane DiSanto are both social workers who are transferring the skills they learned to their political careers. Collins is chief of staff for the office of John Lewis, D-Ga., and DiSanto is a legislative assistant to Sen. Mark Begich, D-Alaska. The political bug can bite anyone — even a social worker. That’s what happened to NASW member Kristen Pendergrass. “I graduated with my MSW in 2008, about the time of the Obama campaign,” said Pendergrass, who is the legislative aide to Massachusetts state Rep. Thomas P. Conroy. “The political bug bit me.” Christie Getto Young, policy a...

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Jun 09, 2012

President Barack Obama signs the Health Care and Education Reconciliation Act of 2010 in a ceremony at Northern Virginia Community College in Alexandria on March 30, 2010. NASW cites the president’s passage of the health care act as one of the reasons it is endorsing Obama for re-election this fall. (AP file photo) NASW’s Political Action Committee is endorsing the re-election of President Barack Obama, citing that his actions in office reflect key elements of the association’s legislative and policy agenda. “NASW is pleased to endorse Barack Obama for president once again,” said NASW Executive Director Eliza...

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