Entries for 2011

Jul 08, 2011

The national campaign to promote National Healthcare Decisions Day on April 16 proved to be a success, according to Nathan Kottkamp, founder and chairman of NHDD. “Our participation numbers took a nice step up, but it was our activity level that saw a huge jump,” Kottkamp said in a statement posted on the NHDD website. NASW once again joined in the annual campaign that encourages adults with decision-making capacity to engage in advance care planning. Hundreds of organizations, health care providers and other key stakeholders used the day to promote awareness, completion and discussion of advance directives. Kottkamp said mo...

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Jul 07, 2011

Roxana Torrico Meruvia is an NASW senior practice associate with several years’ experience working with diverse, low-income youth and families in the nonprofit and public systems. NASW News talked with her about the intersection of foster care and homelessness. Q: There seems to be a link between poverty and homelessness and children being placed in out-of-home care. Are you seeing more children in the foster care system as a result of the economic recession? A: Despite the recession, the recent National Child Abuse and Neglect Data System report did not indicate an increase in substantiated maltreatment. However, some organizations h...

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Jul 05, 2011

Being elected president of NASW is a high honor, and I pledge to do my best to represent professional social workers, and to support the invaluable work that our members do, in every way I can. I want to thank outgoing President Jim Kelly, the rest of the national Board, and members of the NASW staff for all of their generous efforts to get me oriented to my new role. As I begin my term, the national Board will be spending some additional time together in September so we can collaboratively set priorities for the next three years’ work. One thing we already know: We will continue to strive to be good stewards of members’ hard-ea...

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Jul 05, 2011

“Patients cannot ask the questions if they don’t know what to ask or expect.” In June, the National Transitions of Care Coalition released a new tool, Your Rights During Transitions of Care: A Guide for Health Care Consumers and Family Caregivers. (PDF) NASW, a founding member of the NTOCC Advisory Task Force, proposed and developed the new resource in collaboration with the National Family Caregivers Association and other task force members. “The bill of rights is an important addition to the other NTOCC consumer tools,” said Chris Herman, senior practice associate at NASW. “Transitions of care (or car...

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Jul 04, 2011

April 2011 Board's Action Context Finance Received financial statements as of March 31, 2011. As of March 31, NASW’s total asset position was $15.6 million. Since March 2010, overall assets have increased by $334,000; total value of investments increased by $406,000; and liabilities and deferred revenue decreased by $436,000. Year-to-date revenue was $13.8 million, with $7.4 million in dues...

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Jul 04, 2011

There’s never a dull moment for social workers in Arizona, according to Jeremy Arp, the state’s recently hired NASW chapter executive director, who started work in January. “Arizona social workers work in a variety of settings, serving diverse populations,” Arp said. “The state may be expansive geographically, but it is still possible to witness the positive impact that social workers as individuals can have on everyone here.” Arp is one of several chapter executive directors hired in recent months that the NASW News is profiling in an ongoing series. Arp said he first became interested in becoming a soc...

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Jul 03, 2011

Texas State Sen. Eliot Shapleigh, NASW’s public elected official of the year, chats with NASW President-Elect Jeane Anastas and Board of Directors member Robin Mama at a reception for national award honorees. NASW hosted its Annual Leadership Meeting in late April that invited the association’s 56 chapter executive directors and board leaders and members of the national Board of Directors to Washington, in part to connect with their representatives in Congress. Attendees conducted 160 Capitol Hill visits during their stay, urging representatives to support the Dorothy I. Height and Whitney M. Young Jr. Social Work Reinvestment...

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Jul 02, 2011

Barbara Heffernan was profiled in the Weston-Redding-Easton Patch (Conn.) for a story that explained how she helps people as a licensed clinical social worker and licensed alcohol and drug counselor. “I treat people with anxiety, people with trauma issues, people who want to live happier lives,” Heffernan was quoted as saying. “I’ll help people work through current problems, help them recover from childhood wounds that are still affecting their present day functioning.” The article pointed out that, unlike psychiatrists, psychotherapists do not prescribe drugs. Instead, they attempt to solve problems through ...

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Jul 02, 2011

The News-Herald in Southgate, Mich., reported that Jacquie Steingold was honored as Woman of the Year by the Wyandotte-Downriver branch of the American Association of University Women. Steingold, a graduate of Wayne State University in Detroit, teaches at WSU and Wayne County Community College. She has spent decades working for social justice issues including civil and women’s rights. She is the regional director of the Great Lakes Region of the National Organization for Women and has served as the organization’s president of the Detroit Chapter. Gloria Conn of AAUW told the newspaper that Steingold “is a strong advoca...

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Jul 01, 2011

Arizona’s State Bill 1070, signed into law in April 2010, contained provisions of deep concern to NASW and its members. At the national and chapter levels, opposition to these “Arizona-style” provisions regarding immigration status reflects the stated ethics and commitments of social workers and the association as a whole. Individual members and chapters leaders have a number of tools available to help them prevent passage of such legislation and to make the case, with other organizations, for legislative fairness and effectiveness. Three NASW chapters in particular are engaging in their states’ political process to ...

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