Pioneers Host Annual Meeting

ASW Social Work Pioneers®NASW Social Work Pioneers® (photo right) pose for a group photo during their 9th annual program meeting in Washington, D.C., in October. — Photo by Patricia McDougall

The NASW Social Work Pioneers® hosted their 9th annual program meeting in October in Washington, D.C., where a group of panelists discussed “Reports from the Field: Challenges for Social Workers.”

The panelists, all Pioneers, were Elaine Congress, associate dean at Fordham University Graduate School of Social Work in New York City; Cudore Snell, former dean at the School of Social Work at Howard University School of Social Work in Washington, D.C.; and Robert Connolly, chairman of the Pioneer Communications Sub-Committee.

Pioneer Kenneth Carpenter, who is a member of the Program Planning Committee, provided exhibits. Attendees also heard about Pioneers in memoriam as well as newly elected Pioneers.

Ronald W. Manderscheid, executive director of the National Association of County Behavioral Health and Development Disability Directors in Washington, D.C., was the event’s keynote speaker.

Pioneer Bernice Catherine Harper was chairwoman of the annual Program Planning Committee. She noted in her opening remarks that the year 2013 reminded her of the 4 C’s — “challenge and change requiring courage and conviction.”

Ninety-three participants attended the event, making it the second-largest turnout in the program’s history, Harper noted.

“Ten states were represented,” she said. “There was excellent interaction between the attendees and the speakers, and Dr. Manderscheid did an outstanding job in speaking to issues that relate to the Affordable Care Act, including how it will impact social workers and mental health providers as well as clients.”

Harper added: “I was very excited about the attention to detail the planning committee and staff made in making the program a success and I was honored to serve as chair of the planning committee.”
