The Board Takes Action (March 2010)

Jan. 2010

Board's Action



Accepted the audited financial report for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2009, and received the financial report for the period ending Dec. 31, 2009.

As of Dec. 31, NASW’s total asset position was $14.7 million. Assets have increased by $2.2 million from the same time last year. This is primarily due to the increase in the value of investments. Overall, NASW’s investments increased by $2.7 million from December 2008. Liabilities and deferred revenue increased by $2.3 million, primarily due to pension liabilities.

Accepted the parameters for fiscal year 2010-2011 program and budget plan.

The approved parameters provide the framework for the program agenda for 2010-11, including (but not limited to): improving chapter viability; funding the Social Work Reinvestment Initiative; expansion of non-dues products and services; expand “Social Work Across Nations” (SWAN) and continue supporting IFSW and ICSW; and market NASW as the premier “community-building” vehicle for the profession, including the use of new media such as chats, blogs, and teleconferences.


Bylaws Notice: Under the new process for amending the current NASW Bylaws, which was approved by the Board of Directors in October 2009, proposed amendments were recommended for three articles: Article III – Membership, Article XV – Amendments to Bylaws, and Article XVI – Dues and Other Income. The Board has put forward these proposed amendments for a 90-day member comment period.

The deadline for submitting your comments is May 7, 2010. The Board will make final decisions on the proposed amendments at its June 2010 meeting.


Notes: An action by the board to "receive" a report does not imply approval of the report in its entirety. Specifically, recommendations for board action included in a report are not adopted unless the board takes specific action to approve them. This list may not necessarily contain all actions the board took and actions that are reported elsewhere in the News.
