Letters to the Editor (June 2010)

Forge Networking Links

It is hard to overstate the importance of social work at this point in history. Social workers carry a banner that says things can be changed for the better. We are that great spark of transformation.

Dr. Elizabeth J. Clark declares we’re a global society and social work is a global profession that is aiming for the betterment of society (From the Director, May News). In support of her words, let’s forge networking links that add meaning to name counts. Good listening, a trait tied into social work, must be open to values we share as well as ideas we may deplore. As therapists know, one cornerstone of all relationships is an ability to acknowledge shared as well as opposing viewpoints. In a global society, this holds true more than ever before. Acceptance does not judge. It promotes unity, yet never requires uniformity. Empathy leads to functional interaction and hope. From social work’s humble origins and through our professionalism, we have been entrusted with unique careers. We’ve made the right choice. When the present looks narrow and bleak, we remind ourselves that social work pushes for a future that is wide open with promise.

Eugene Shea, LCSW
New Hyde Park, N.Y.
