School Social Work


School social workers act as the connection for school, home, and community services to help children with emotional, developmental, and educational needs. Most school social workers practice in public and private schools, although a small percentage may work in social services agencies or other service sites such as a preschool program or residential treatment center for children who are emotionally disturbed. Here are our experts on this issue. To arrange interviews or speaking engagements email

Name State Specific Expertise
Jason Andrade Connecticut
Marina Badillo Diaz New York
Lisa Banks California
Mary Ann Canning McComiskey Connecticut
Yvonne M. Chase Alaska
Graham Danzer Florida
Devon Cozens Diner Colorado
Kim Finnie New Jersey
Carrie Freshour Maryland
Craig A. Knippenberg Colorado
Sandi Lindgren Minnesota
Theresa A. Lyons, Esq., MSW New Jersey
Christopher McLaughlin Maine
Amy Moncion Florida
Susan Radzilowski Michigan
Kashera Guy Robinson AL
Dr. La'Tesha Sampson New Jersey
Martha Schultz New York
Dr. Lawrence Shulman New Hampshire
Nick Szubiak District of Columbia
Zach Usmani Ohio
Kimberly Warmsley California
Marya Wright, DSW(c) MSW California
Orlando Wright Maryland

NASW Standards for School Social Work Services

Read the updated standards