Strength in Numbers

Members make change possible

For more than six decades, NASW has fought tirelessly to advance the social work profession, to promote and protect social workers, and to advocate for policies and resources that improve the lives of the people social workers serve. As you know, that fight has never been more important than it is right now. Our nation needs to hear more from social workers on critical social issues.

Over the years we have made great gains, but there is still much to do.

The progress we’ve made and the protections we fought for are being threatened every day. You can see it in the news, and in state legislatures that vote to take away key rights for individuals and families or reduce public funding for children. Our social work licensure laws also are being challenged in some states.

That’s why today I am personally inviting you to help us strengthen our capacity to fight for our profession and for the people we care about.

You will have access to a wide range of resources that can help you advance your career. And together we will elevate social work with a bigger collective impact for the social work profession and the people we serve.

The support of members has been instrumental in making our professional association the strongest voice for social workers. Because of members, NASW has been able to improve public recognition and respect for our profession, to protect social work jobs, to enhance safety in the field, and to increase rates of reimbursement for social workers who provide the most mental health services in our country.

We are proud to represent over 100,000 active social worker members and we are grateful for their participation. But many other social workers are not currently NASW members — even though all social workers benefit from the social justice advocacy and the workforce protections that members make possible.

We urgently need your help to grow and to make our advocacy voice louder. We call on you now to strengthen our membership, by joining us.

With warm regards,

Angelo McClain, PhD, LICSW
Chief Executive Officer

"Imagine what we could achieve with more members like you."

Angelo McClain, PhD, LICSW
Chief Executive Officer, NASW

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Why join NASW?

We spoke with our members at the 2018 National Conference about how they're helped by being an NASW member.

Hear what they said >>