NASW 70th Anniversary Member Album

NASW 70th Anniversary Album Ad  (960 x 400 px)

NASW will celebrate its 70th anniversary in October 2025 with a commemorative album and recorded story archive showcasing our members and the association’s history. Our long-time partner, Publishing Concepts Inc. (PCI), is helping us create the album and collect stories by reaching out to members (via postcards and emails) to invite them to update their NASW member information and to say a few words about their social work history and career for the anniversary project.

If you haven't already responded to PCI's invitation, we encourage you to do so. Here's why:

  • Your up-to-date member information helps NASW and your chapter advocate more effectively on your behalf at the national, state, and local levels. It also helps us communicate and meet your professional needs better.
  • Your member story enriches the project and helps preserve the legacy of social work and inspire new social workers.
  • There is no cost to include your story in the anniversary project (and no obligation to purchase the album if you submit a story).

When NASW last published a commemorative album in 2020, thousands of members included their social work histories, impactful moments, and experiences. To date, more than 30,000 members have updated their record data, over 16,200 members have recorded interviews about their social work histories, and more than 3,100 reserved a copy of the print or digital album.

How to Participate in the Anniversary Project

Simply call the phone number provided on the postcard or in the email you receive from PCI. There is no cost to include your story in the 70th anniversary project or to update your member information through PCI.

Optional Album Purchase

PCI will offer you the option to purchase the album. If you choose to, you can reserve your copy when you talk with PCI. There is no obligation to purchase the album to participate in the 70th anniversary project.


Please contact PCI to participate by calling 888-822-1723 or contact NASW Member Services at or 800-742-4089, Monday-Friday, 9 a.m. – 9 p.m. ET.

Frequently Asked Questions

I received an email/postcard/phone call from a company asking for my personal information and a story about my life as a social worker. They said they were working on a project for NASW. Is this legitimate? Tell me more about the project.

In celebration of our 70th Anniversary, NASW has partnered with PCI (also known as Publishing Concepts) to produce an oral history publication for NASW. PCI is a family-owned business based in Dallas, TX that has published directories for professional associations, universities, fraternities, sororities and military organizations across the nation for over 100 years. This project helps NASW to receive important updates to our member records so we know more about our members and how we can better represent and serve them. The project also allows NASW to learn about your experiences as a social worker and hear how the association may have helped shape your social work journey.

Does NASW benefit from this project?

Yes, in a few different ways:

  • Updated Information – allows us to effectively represent, communicate with and engage members
  • Legacy – sharing and collecting stories preserves the history of social work and inspires new social workers
  • Revenue – our partner covers all expenses for the project and shares a portion of revenue from each album purchased
  • Pride – wearing apparel shows support for our organization

I would like to verify and update my information and share a story. How can I do this?

  • If you have received a postcard or an email with a telephone number, you may call the number to speak with a dedicated representative for the 70th Anniversary Membership Album project. The representative will verify the information we have on file for you, make any updates where needed, and then ask you to share your story about your life as a social worker and your time with NASW. Your story will be recorded and shared with NASW at the conclusion of the project.
  • If you have received an email with an embedded link, you may go to the online site to review your information and submit a story.
  • You may contact PCI to participate by calling 888-822-1723.
  • If you are living internationally or are unable to call the update line, please email PCI will send you a personalized link for you to share your written story and photo.

Do I need to purchase the album to participate? 

PCI will offer you the option to purchase the album. If you choose to, you can reserve your copy when you talk with PCI. There is no obligation to purchase the album if you participate in the album.

How can I participate if I am deaf/hard of hearing? 

If you would like to participate and are deaf/hard of hearing, please email PCI will send you a personalized link for you to share your written story and photo.

How do I know my information will only be used for NASW?

NASW has a contractual agreement with PCI that states:

  • The names, addresses and information provided to PCI by NASW for the publication of the album will be held confidential by PCI, and only utilized for the preparation of the album.
  • The anniversary album is available only to people with an NASW member record.  Upon completion of the project, PCI will return to NASW any and all electronic files that have been supplied to NASW or produced by PCI in connection with the production of the album.

Can I choose what information prints in the publication?

The only information that is included in the publication is your name and your chapter, along with your story and photo. No contact information is printed. When you call to update your contact information, it will only be used to update your NASW member record for use only by NASW. You may revoke consent for your story and/or photo to appear any time before 1/17/2025 by contacting PCI’s customer service helpdesk at 1-800-982-1590 /

I updated my information but need some more time to think about what experience to share.

You can call back at any time before 1/17/2025 to share your story.

I shared a story and the representative said I could send a photo. How do I do this?

You will receive an email with a link to upload one photo (black and white or color) plus a caption.

If you have also purchased a book but do not have an email address on file, you will be sent a photo mailer to send a physical photo in to be printed (note: the photo will be returned if you include a self-addressed, stamped envelope).

Can anyone purchase a book?

The National Association of Social Workers 70th Anniversary Member Album is available for sale only to NASW members.

I ordered a book / package over the phone and would like to cancel my order. How do I do this?

Contact PCI’s customer service helpdesk at 1-800-982-1590 and they will take care of this for you.

I want to update my record data directly with NASW, rather than contacting your publishing partner.  How do I do this?

NASW members can update their own NASW record by visiting the NASW Member Center. You can also get help from NASW Member Services at 800-742-4089, M-F 9:00 am - 9:00 pm ET, or

If I'm not interested in the album, how can I stop receiving information about it?

Members who don’t want any more contact about the project can email NASW Member Services at with "NASW 70th Album: Do Not Contact" in the subject line. NASW needs your full name along with either the email in your NASW record or your NASW ID, so that we can tell our partner not to contact you again.

Member Quotes from the 70th Anniversary Album

I never could have imagined the profound impact my career in social work would have on my life. Founding a multilingual women's group was one of my proudest achievements - watching these isolated mothers blossom with newfound empowerment and community. Judy Rogers Picture
I take immense pride in my ability to serve communities that look like me, to open doors that have been closed for far too long. Steven Parker Picture
I'm grateful to be part of a professional community like NASW, which has provided valuable resources and education to keep me informed and growing. To anyone just starting their social work journey, my advice is simple: be patient with yourself. Brittany Jesernik Picture
I'm passionate about advocating for vulnerable and oppressed populations and I'm dedicated to supporting ongoing policy and reform to better equip these populations with the services they need and deserve. Jessica Little Picture
The most important lesson I've learned is to always abide by the ethics of social work and to never forget why I do this work. Nelkasia Graves Picture
Currently, I am the chair of NASW's Children, Adolescents, and Youth (CAA) committee, which aligns closely with my passion for addressing the needs of young people. This committee work is among the most important initiatives to me, as it allows me to advocate for and support the vulnerable populations I care deeply about. Craig Knippenberg Picture

60th Anniversary Member Directory

NASW 60th Anniversary Membership Directory

65th Anniversary Membership Directory

NASW 65th Anniversary Membership Directory