2025 Sponsors

In June 2025, the National Association of Social Workers (NASW) will bring together thousands of social workers and related professionals from across the world to expand their understanding on how social work  is leading social change. Over the span of four days, attendees will hear from inspiring internationally renowned keynote speakers, have access to unparalleled opportunities for professional development, and network with leaders in their field. Whether you offer health and human service products and services, continuing education opportunities, or simply want to get in front of social workers, the 2025 NASW National Conference is the place to be. 

Download the sponsorship prospectus here

Secure Your Sponsorship

You are welcome to customize a sponsor package to fit you specific marketing and budget needs. To secure your sponsorship or discuss custom sponsor opportunities, please contact Kelly Coates at  kelly@kelly-partners.com or Natalie Fleet at Natalie@kelly-partners.com.