7:00 am - 6:00 pm
Conference Information Center Open
7:00 am - 8:15 am
Continental Breakfast
8:15 am - 9:45 am
Plenary Session
The Growing Role of Social Media: Implications for Social Work (1.5 Social Work CEs)
Social media continues to evolve and be a significant force in numerous aspects of our lives. For many people, using social media is a daily routine. It has proven to influence decision-making and related outcomes. It opens up channels for more personal communications. This session will discuss the impact social media is having on social work and how we can harness it as a useful and productive tool.
Jonathan Singer, PhD, LCSW
Professor of Social Work
Loyola University Chicago
9:45 am - 10:45 am
Keynote Presentation
The Therapist’s Use of Self: Being the Catalyst for Change with Therapy Veteran Clients (1 Clinical CE)
Working with therapy veteran clients can be a therapist’s worst nightmare. Often, the clients present with severe DSM-V diagnoses, extensive treatment histories, are crisis-prone, present with risky and provocative behaviors, may have trauma backgrounds, and come from families with multiple symptom-bearers. In this hands-on practice-oriented presentation, participants will learn several effective therapeutic tools and strategies for fostering strong therapeutic alliances and therapeutic breakthroughs when feeling stuck with therapy-veteran clients. Some of the therapeutic tools and strategies presented are: listening and looking for client anomalies to seize; the use of respectful curiosity; extraordinary presence; the use of humor; absurdity; and playfulness; the use of metaphorical questions; the imaginary Time Machine; and strategic use of confusion and incompetence. Finally, will cover ways to expand one’s therapeutic range and style by bringing in ideas from art, film, theater, literature, history, philosophy, nature, and science and technology.
Matthew Selekman, MSW, LCSW
Partners for Collaborative Solutions
10:45 am - 11:00 am
11:00 am - 12:30 pm
Concurrent Breakout
Choose from multiple session topics across the social work spectrum and earn 1.5 CEs.
11:30 am - 12:30 pm
Concurrent Breakout
Choose from multiple session topics across the social work spectrum and earn 1 CE.
12:30 pm - 2:00 pm
Lunch (on your own)
2:00 pm - 3:30 pm
Plenary Session
Putting It All Together: Where Are We Headed? (1.5 Social Work CEs) A futures lens and "foresight" practice are a globally recognized transdisciplinary set of ideas, tools and practices intended to help people use the idea of the future to make better decisions in the present. This session will introduce a critical and participatory foresight perspective to assist social workers in making sense of the rapid changes around them, use imagination and foresight tools to better anticipate new challenges and opportunities - all in concert with upholding the values and ethics of the profession. What does the future most "need from social work?" How can social workers care for themselves, each other, and the communities we ally with to best meet the challenges ahead? How will technology, climate, political fracturing, health advances and disparities - all charged by racism, sexism, ableism, homophobia and more - all evolve in the direction of human rights and liberation - or away from it? Let's wrestle with the idea of "future shock" for social work - and encourage our own positive evolution - individually and collectively to meet the call.
Aaron Mallory, MSW, LCSW
Founder and CEO, GRO Community
3:45 pm - 5:15 pm
▶Concurrent Breakout Sessions
Choose from multiple session topics across the social work spectrum and earn 1.5 CEs.
4:15 pm - 5:15 pm
▶Concurrent Breakout Sessions
Choose from multiple session topics across the social work spectrum and earn 1 CE.
5:15 pm - 6:15 pm
Refreshments – Exhibit Hall
Poster Presentations
7:00 pm - 9:00 pm
▶NASW Film Festival
- Silent Beauty
CEs: 2 Social Work
This film from director Jasmin Lara Lopez, looks at sexual abuse in families and how it is hidden. Her father, a Baptist minister, abused her and other young people, but her family denied it or blamed the victims. As an adult, she confronts her grandfather as a way to heal from the past abuse. The film also looks at how sexual abuse is treated in the Latin American community.
- I Didn’t See You There
CEs: 2 Social Work
Filmmaker Reid Davenport lives with a disability and uses a wheelchair. This film looks at how he must navigate the world and how ableism discriminates against people living with a disability. A circus was also put up within eyeshot of his home, and Davenport looks at how historically people with disabilities have been exploited and ostracized.
- A Woman on the Outside
CEs: 2 Social Work
Kristal, a social worker in Philadelphia, helps families stay connected with relatives who are incarcerated. But when her own father and brother come home from prison, can she help them reunite successfully with the family they left behind?
9:00 pm - 11:00 pm
A Night Out With NASW!