Social workers use a variety of tools to make positive social change, including film. That is why NASW is pleased to offer a Film Festival on Wednesday, June 18 that features three socially relevant films making an impact on society today. Attendees have an opportunity to view one of these films “Silent Beauty”, “I Didn’t See You There”, or “A Woman on the Outside.”

Wednesday, June 18, 2025
7:00pm – 9:00pm

Silent Beauty

Silent Beauty

This film from director Jasmin Lara Lopez, looks at sexual abuse in families and how it is are hidden. Her father, a Baptist minister, abused her and other young people, but her family denied it or blamed the victims. As an adult, she confronts her grandfather as a way to heal from the past abuse. The film also looks at how sexual abuse is treated in the Latin American community.

I Didn’t See You There

I Didn’t See You There

Filmmaker Reid Davenport lives with a disability and uses a wheelchair. This film looks at how he must navigate the world and how ableism discriminates against people living with a disability. A circus was also put up within eyeshot of his home, and Davenport looks at how historically people with disabilities have been exploited and ostracized.

A Woman on the Outside

A Woman on the Outside

Kristal, a social worker in Philadelphia, helps families stay connected with relatives who are incarcerated. But when her own father and brother come home from prison, can she help them reunite successfully with the family they left behind?