Ethics & Boundaries

NASW Wisconsin

Mark Wills 0 2458
1 - 5 pm CT

Things That Make You Go Hmm…Boundaries, Barriers, and Shame Oh My!

This training offers participants an opportunity to explore the difference between boundaries and barriers in peer-to-peer and client relationships. It explores personal boundaries, trust, shame, vulnerability, and use of self-assessment tools. Participants learn new strategies in paradigm thinking, communication and conflict management in the workplace; through examining challenges they face when colleagues are unethical or cross professional boundaries.

Who am I Now? The Ever-changing Role of the Caregiver

NASW Wisconsin

Mark Wills 0 1086
Noon-1 p.m. Central

This training will provide an overview of how a caregiver's role changes as the care needs of their loved one change. It will review the individuality of the caregiver, caregiver adaptation, address what-if questions, and discuss resources. Financial aspects will also be reviewed, including insurance coverage.

Building Resiliency with Intimate Partner Abuse Survivors

NASW Wisconsin

Mark Wills 0 1189
Noon-1 p.m. Central

This workshop begins with a survey of intimate partner abuse survivors and what they found helpful in therapy. With that foundation, Jennifer Parker, MSSW, LCSW, ACSW, explores three issues they often present: mistrusting self & unconditionally trusting partner, confusion between selfishness and self-interest, and beliefs that interfere with assertiveness.

Veterinary Social Work: Honoring the Human-Animal Bond & Bolstering Staff Wellness

NASW Wisconsin

Mark Wills 0 1046
Noon-1 p.m. Central

Learning objectives of this lecture will include: the ability to describe what VSWs do for their community; a deeper understanding on the importance of honoring the human-animal bond; and an adeptness in discerning the numerous mental and emotional challenges that veterinary professionals face in their every-day job, and why social workers are vital in bolstering their wellness.

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