#3079 - VIRTUAL - Introduction to Special Education for Social Workers - eClass

(Approved for 3 MSDE Continuing Professional Development/CPD credits as course #22-66-04R)

Kyle Northam 0 7268
This course approved for 3 MSDE Continuing Professional Development/CPD credits as course #22-66-04R and fulfills the requirements of the Maryland State Department of Education for certification of school-based social workers.  Because social workers provide related services that are part of the educational programming of students with special needs, it is essential that they understand the legal mandates, federal and state policies and standards, as well as the specific instructional methods and technologies used in the classrooms that serve those students, from the least restrictive settings of inclusion to the more clinical settings, including residential.

#3079 - VIRTUAL - Introduction to Special Education for Social Workers - eClass

(Approved for 3 MSDE Continuing Professional Development/CPD credits as course #22-66-04R)

Kyle Northam 0 7268
This course approved for 3 MSDE Continuing Professional Development/CPD credits as course #22-66-04R and fulfills the requirements of the Maryland State Department of Education for certification of school-based social workers.  Because social workers provide related services that are part of the educational programming of students with special needs, it is essential that they understand the legal mandates, federal and state policies and standards, as well as the specific instructional methods and technologies used in the classrooms that serve those students, from the least restrictive settings of inclusion to the more clinical settings, including residential.

#3079 - VIRTUAL - Introduction to Special Education for Social Workers - eClass

(Approved for 3 MSDE Continuing Professional Development/CPD credits as course #22-66-04R)

Kyle Northam 0 7268
This course approved for 3 MSDE Continuing Professional Development/CPD credits as course #22-66-04R and fulfills the requirements of the Maryland State Department of Education for certification of school-based social workers.  Because social workers provide related services that are part of the educational programming of students with special needs, it is essential that they understand the legal mandates, federal and state policies and standards, as well as the specific instructional methods and technologies used in the classrooms that serve those students, from the least restrictive settings of inclusion to the more clinical settings, including residential.

#3079 - VIRTUAL - Introduction to Special Education for Social Workers - eClass

(Approved for 3 MSDE Continuing Professional Development/CPD credits as course #22-66-04R)

Kyle Northam 0 7268
This course approved for 3 MSDE Continuing Professional Development/CPD credits as course #22-66-04R and fulfills the requirements of the Maryland State Department of Education for certification of school-based social workers.  Because social workers provide related services that are part of the educational programming of students with special needs, it is essential that they understand the legal mandates, federal and state policies and standards, as well as the specific instructional methods and technologies used in the classrooms that serve those students, from the least restrictive settings of inclusion to the more clinical settings, including residential.

Trauma (Healing) Informed Care: What Does it Mean for Me?

July 18th, 2024

Kyle Northam 0 2131
This workshop provides a practical look at the best practice approaches of Healing (Trauma) Informed Care (HIC). Content will include SAMHSA’s 4 Rs of Trauma Informed Care, the effects of stress & trauma on professionals & participants, & the power of compassion. Practical approaches will be provided to help colleagues &/or participants discuss & manage their struggles, while minimizing triggers/feeling overwhelmed & making room for the topics & tasks required.

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