See My Color: Why Racial Colorblindness is Unethical

NASW California

Mark Wills 0 2635
Noon-3 p.m.

This course's objectives are to:
  1. acknowledge racial colorblindness as a racial microaggression that upholds white supremacy;
  2. evaluate the ethical implications of being racially colorblind in practice;
  3. identify 3 racial disparities that exist and the role in recognizing race in order to advocate and empower clients to fight against inequities; and
  4. define cultural humility and explore strategies to increase interpersonal and intrapersonal cultural humility to improve rapport building and alleviate further trauma.

Intuition: The Inner Wisdom of Social Work Practice

NASW Maine

Mark Wills 0 1554
8:45 a.m.-Noon

In this workshop participants will experience the way mini-ideas and images, emerging within the inner mental flow of provider and client, offer rich material for creative interventions that can elicit empathic resonance, reframe negative narratives, evoke adaptive realizations, shift focus from problems to solutions and result in effective and enduring psychosocial outcomes.

Theme picker