Words with Friends: The Nexus Between Grant Writing and Social Work


Josh Klapperick 0 1720

An overview of grant writing strategies and techniques with emphasis on the written narrative portion of proposals for funding. Presentation includes: how grant writing’s fits within an agency’s larger resource development activities; ethical considerations in grant writing; overview of a grant’s purpose; common structure of grant applications with examples; strategic considerations in deciding whether to submit a funding request; do’s and don’t in grant writing; the interplay between narrative development and budget development; and inclusion supporting documents.

Polyamory: A Clinical Toolkit for Therapists

NASW Maine

Mark Wills 0 1138
8:45 a.m.-noon

Working skillfully with polyamory and other forms of consensual nonmonogamy requires gaining cultural competence specific to this marginalized group. In this workshop, we will provide accurate information about how polyamory works, how to identify what is happening when it doesn’t work, and how to help.

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