NASW-MA and NASW-RI Virtual Symposium

NASW Massachusetts and NASW Rhode Island

Mark Wills 0 1455
Theme: Social Workers Persist: Global Problems Demand Local Solutions

Featuring over 60 workshops and speakers! Attendees will have the opportunity to connect with experts in the field and gain new skills at innovative workshops.

Self-Care is Healthcare: Building Resiliency for Our VUCA World

NASW Rhode Island

Mark Wills 0 2084
Noon-1:30 p.m.

Working in healthcare was already a challenging task. Recent years have proven difficult times financially and from a regulatory perspective. In addition to the COVID 19 Pandemic, we continue to experience Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity, and Ambiguity (VUCA) as we care for our clients, creating an opportunity to strengthen our resilience and not only survive but thrive as we continue to plan and face unprecedented times.

Responding to the Third Wave of the Pandemic: Trauma and Addiction

NASW Rhode Island

Mark Wills 0 1486
Noon-1:30 p.m.

Social isolation, mask-hysteria, media re-traumatization, sociopolitical uncertainty all played a role on the persistent trauma during the COVID-19 pandemic. This has resulted in a dramatic increase in addiction due to self-medication during the height of the pandemic. Traditional addiction treatment has ignored the significant impact of trauma on personal recovery and subsequently people have continued to struggle as a result. With recent advances in understanding the impact of trauma, it is time for a change in the approach taken toward trauma and addiction.

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