Event date: 2/14/2025 12:00 PM - 1:30 PM Export event
Kyle Northam
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Advancing Ecosocial Work: Leadership for Change

NASW WI Chapter Webinar

February 14, 2025 - 12:00pm - 1:30pm
NASWWI Chapter—2/14/2025 12:00 PM - 1:30 PM 
Presented by Rachel Forbes, MSW

Since the earliest days of social work practice, social workers have dealt with environmental issues, advocating alongside diverse populations to address disproportionate environmental impacts on systemically marginalized populations, including those living in poverty, populations of color, persons with disabilities, and women. In the face of the accelerating climate crisis, social workers must proactively engage with clients and communities and respond to the growing impacts of environmental injustices. This session will discuss the emerging field of social work called Ecosocial Work Practice and the ways in which social workers can address environmental issues and lead for a more climate secure and justice collective future. Practice examples across the micro, mezzo, and macro will be offered with specific examples for theories, interventions, and frameworks.
1.5 Continuing Education Hours


Members - $37.50
Student/Retired Members - $30.00
Non-Members - $52.50
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