Event date: 2/19/2025 10:00 AM - 12:30 PM Export event
Kyle Northam
/ Categories: Uncategorized

Hip Hop Therapy (HHT)--An Innovative Approach

NASW-DC and NASW-VA Chapters Joint Training

Presenter: Yocasta Jimenez, LMSW; Shamar Watson, LMSW
Contact: Jaime Strohhacker, professionaldevelopment.naswva@socialworkers.org
804-204-1339 ext 112
Registration deadline: Feb. 17, 2025.
Register now! 

Hip hop therapy represents a dynamic, innovative approach to therapeutic intervention that harnesses the 
cultural and expressive power of hip hop music and culture to promote healing, self-expression, and personal 
growth. In this presentation on hip hop therapy, you’ll explore several key elements to provide a 
comprehensive understanding of its impact and methodology.

Hip hop therapy represents a dynamic and innovative approach to therapeutic intervention that 
harnesses the cultural and expressive power of hip hop music and culture to promote healing, 
self-expression, and personal growth. In a presentation on hip hop therapy, several key elements can 
be explored to provide a comprehensive understanding of its impact and methodology.

Cost: $50, NASW members: $65, nonmembers
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