Ethics Forum - Dual Relationships in Rural Areas
NASW New Hampshire, Vermont, and Maine Chapters
Thursday, October 24 · 12pm - 1pm EDT
Facilitated by Jacob D. Stone, LSW, ACSW, (Ret.)
1 Formal CE in Ethics approved by NASW VT
NASW Vermont Chapter is recognized by the New York State Education Department's State Board for Social Work as an approved provider of continuing education for licensed social workers #SW-0683. This workshop meets the criteria for New York's professional boundaries CE requirements.
When you are a social worker in a small town, in a small state, dual relationships are bound to come up. How do you best manage these? When do you avoid them? How do you provide necessary care?
Ethics are rather easy when there is only one standard to consider. Ethical dilemmas, when more than one standard is in conflict with another, is where supervision &/or peer consulation comes in.
During this hour, Jacob Stone will give a mini-presentation on dual relationships then participants will be given ethical dilemma case scenarios to process in small groups. The groups will then come back to the main zoom room to report their decision making processes.
This workshop is free to all NASW Members & $25 for not-yet-members.
Jacob D. Stone, LSW, ACSW, (Ret.), formerly on the faculty at the Marywood University School of Social Work in Pennsylvania and the social work program of the University of Alaska (Fairbanks), is retired after a half-century of practice as a direct service provider, nonprofit executive, consultant, field instructor, and teacher and trainer. He served for many years as chair of the ethics committee of NASW-PA, and during the past twenty years he has focused his work and study on professional ethics, providing training and consultation on ethics through NASW and diverse other settings. Jacob moved from Pennsylvania to Vermont six years ago, and in retirement has continued to provide training and ethics round table discussions through NASW-VT.
Workshop details:
- The zoom link will be sent to you the day before
- Participants are expected to have their cameras on and be able to participate in the peer consulation components in the breakout rooms
- The ethics CE is good in VT, NH, ME & NY and most other states (check with your licensing board if unsure)
- Want to pay by check? Please email Emryn -
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