Ethics and Boundaries: Things That Make You Go Hmm…Boundaries, Barriers, and Shame, Oh My!
NASW Virginia
June 14, 1:15-5:30 p.m. ET.
Dana Johnson, instructor, 4 CEs, including 4 ethics CEs. Registration deadline: June 12. This is the second in a three-training “Ethics Fridays” series (each stand-alone) in June. Registration can still be done June 13 if you email
Learning Objectives:
- Understand the importance of client/patient rights above and beyond the rights of social work practitioners and the agencies they represent.
- Examine the nine professional boundaries and explore how these impact ethical decision making and the relationship with clients and colleagues.
- Discover the concepts of shame and vulnerability and how these interact with our personal social work practice and when determining how to best approach ethical decisions.
- Identify personal examples of professional social work ethical dilemmas, boundary-crossing, and blurring that have negatively impacted your practice and discover the lessons learned.
- Understand and apply the Code of Ethics, Code of Conduct, and our ethical principles when boundaries when confronting ethical challenges by co-workers using the Nine-Step Ethical Decision-Making Model.
NASW Member, $80. Nonmember, $104. Register here.