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Assessment for Suicidality: A Primer for Mental Health Clinicians

This program has been approved for 3.0 Suicide Prevention Category A Continuing Education Credits by the NASW, NH Chapter. CE #4180

Date and time

Friday, May 3 · 1 - 4:15pm EDT



Refund Policy

NH Chapter event - Assessment for Suicidality: A Primer for Mental Health Clinicians
About this event
  • 3 hours 15 minutes

Assessment for Suicidality: A Primer for Mental Health Clinicians

Charlie Safford, LCSW

This program has been approved for 3.0 Suicide Prevention Category A Continuing Education Credits by the NASW, NH Chapter. CE #4180

This course is designed to provide a detailed overview of suicidality and implications for intervention on the part of every mental health clinician. This includes understanding and being prepared to identify the presence of suicidality and the level of risk, and to be able to provide a comprehensive assessment for the risk of suicide when a client comes into treatment. If we assume that the most important factor in clinical work is to protect our clients from life threatening harm, then knowledge of how to conduct a thorough suicide assessment can be considered one of the most vital components of a clinician's core knowledge base and skill set

Learning Objectives

- identify the risk factors related to suicidal ideation and behavior

- address increased incidence of suicidality post-Covid
- conduct a comprehensive assessment for suicidality

- denote adjunct parties to contribute to the overall picture of suicide risk
- engage steps to stabilize suicidal clients

- apply a process for addressing questions related to involuntary hospitalization

About the Presenter

Charles Safford, LCSW is the President and owner of, Inc., a company that develops and markets web-based and live continuing education training for mental health clinicians on a nationwide basis. Mr. Safford has been providing counseling services since he received his graduate degree from Boston University in 1981 and has been in private practice since 1985. Since 1988, he has also been involved in developing and delivering innovative training programs for numerous audiences. In 2001, he merged his training and therapy skills to create, Inc., a company that teaches and trains mental health clinicians on a nationwide basis, offering both live and web based programs encompassing the best and most recent knowledge and skills in the field of mental health. Since 2013, Mr. Safford has been training clinicians around the country in the ethical use of telemental health as a service delivery model, including the special complications of providing services to clients with special safety risks.

Workshop details:

  • The zoom link and handouts will be sent to participants prior to the workshop
  • The workshop will start at 1:00 PM EST.
  • After the workshop, participants will be emailed an evaluation. Your certificate will be emailed to you upon receipt of the completed evaluation
  • Want to pay by check? Email DJ -

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