Ethical Issues Related to Medical Aid in Dying and End Of Life Options
NH Chapter - 3 Category A CEs in ethics & suicide prevention on zoom
Ethical Issues Related to Medical Aid in Dying and End Of Life Options
Date and time
Wednesday, April 10 · 8:45am - 12pm EDT
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About this event
Ethical Issues Related to Medical Aid in Dying and End Of Life Options
Ken Norton, LICSW
3 Clinical Category A CEs in Ethics & Suicide Prevention approved by NASW NH #4195
Medical Aid in Dying (MAID) is legal for our neighbors in Canada, Maine and Vermont. Vermont recently dropped its residency requirement for MAID which has implications for NH residents and practitioners. In 2024, the NH legislature will consider a medical aid in dying bill. This workshop will review historical medical, legal and religious decisions regarding end of life care which lead up to present day. Through lecture, discussion, case scenarios, and excerpts from the NASW code of ethics, we will discuss important ethical concepts related to MAID and other end of life options. Although the workshop will take no position on MAID or NH’s proposed bill, we will review arguments for and against MAID as well as criteria and data from states where it is legal. We will identify differences between suicide and MAID and discuss the importance of suicide prevention awareness for older adults and people with terminal illnesses.
· Discuss ethical concepts at end of life including autonomy, beneficence, justice, maleficence and dignity and worth of the individual
· Identify options for end of life care and decision making including advanced medical directives, palliative care, and durable power of attorney
· Review components and criteria for the Medical Aid in Dying bill being considered by NH Legislature spring of 2024
· Consider arguments on how medical aid in dying is different from suicide
About the Presenter
Ken Norton, LICSW is the former Executive Director of NAMI NH. He led the development NAMI NH’s Connect! Suicide Prevention program which is a national best practice program in suicide prevention, intervention and postvention which has provided training in over 40 states and 7 countries. He has served on numerous local and national committees including being a member of the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline Steering Committee. Ken has served as a subject matter expert for SAMHSA, the Department of Defense and Veterans Administration and has presented throughout the US, as well as internationally on issues related to mental illness, and suicide prevention. Ken has personal experience dealing with mental illness and suicide from the family perspective, is a former foster parent, and has also worked extensively in community mental health as a licensed clinical social worker. Ken is the recipient of the 2008 NASW NH Social Worker of the Year Award and a proud member of NASW. MSW 1985
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