Event date: 8/28/2024 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM Export event
Rochelle Wilder
/ Categories: Uncategorized

Social Work with the Incarcerated Population- A Jail Bridge Program Webinar

 Wednesday, August 28, 2024 (1 – 2 pm ET)

Presenter: Heather Dunn LCSW, DSW

CEs: 1 Social Work contact hour

This webinar will focus on the development of a bridge program for inmates in the county jail system. Helping them get linked while incarcerated to necessary behavioral health treatment post-incarceration. The program is designed to decrease the grand challenge social work faces of recidivism in the local county jails. 


  • Defining the problem.
  • Working with different agencies to collaborate and provide necessary services in the inmate population.
  • Thinking outside the box to overcome barriers. 
Cost: SPS Members: Free / Non-SPS NASW Members: $20 / Non-NASW Member: $35

Registration:  https://naswinstitute.inreachce.com/Details/Information/fa4221bb-b17b-453a-afe1-95110a69e03d
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