Event date: 4/18/2024 - 4/20/2024 Export event
Josh Klapperick
/ Categories: Uncategorized

NASW-VA Virtual Annual Conference

NASW Virginia

Earn 18.5 CEs (live-virtual, April 18-20) or 78.5 CEs (on-demand, April 24-June 22) by attending the 2024 Virtual Annual Conference of the NASW Virginia and Metro DC chapters! Engage in 36 live-virtual sessions with chat and Q&A on such hot topics as ethics; artificial intelligence and social work; reproductive, social, and racial justice; trauma; youth and adolescence mental health treatments; the role of social workers in the legal system; ecotherapy; and more. Read the digital program and register today! Discounts for students and retirees. Theme: “Connecting Minds, Empowering Lives: Advancing the Practice of Social Work.”
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