Event date: 3/29/2024 1:00 PM - 4:30 PM Export event
Josh Klapperick
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Diving Into the Gray

NASW New Hampshire Chapter

1:00 - 4:15 pm EST
3 Clinical Category A CEs in Ethics approved by NASW NH

Ethical behavior is conduct that is beyond reproach and is in accordance to the laid down standards of a society, institution or organization. The standards of conduct may not always be written and adopted formally by the institution or organization. They also change as organizations and institutions evolve, underscoring the need for regular education about acceptable conduct in the profession and the organization.

It is important to note that there may be a difference between ethical behavior and legal or illegal actions. Ethical conduct is not about upholding the law. It is about upholding higher standards of conduct than simply adhering to the rules or the law. It may not always be easy to adhere to these higher standards, especially in difficult situations. It takes courage, moral integrity, and a keen sense of commitment to ethical standards to make the right decisions.

One condition that weakens and impacts the practitioner’s vigilance on ethical situations is the subjective experience with compassion fatigue. During these extraordinary times, it is critical for practitioners to understand this phenomenon, compassion fatigue, and have clear, achievable pathways to maintain balance and compassion satisfaction in pursuit of ethical care delivery.


  • Participants will be able to identify and acquire skills in identifying and responding to ethical dilemmas in their workplace.
  • Participants will understand the signs of ethics exhaustion and compassion fatigue.
  • Participants with acquire strategies on responses to ethical dilemmas.
  • Participants will acquire tools for managing the effects of compassion fatigue.
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