Event date: 2/21/2024 12:30 PM - 5:00 PM Export event
Josh Klapperick
/ Categories: Uncategorized

Shifting from a Behavioral to a Regulation Approach

NASW New Hampshire Chapter

12:45pm - 5:00pm ET
Presented by Danielle Heaton
Description: Regulation of the nervous system, often referred to as being calm, is an important part of mental health and is a learned process through co-regulation. Utilizing neuroscience, trauma informed care and social emotional learning techniques, gain a better understanding of what influences one's regulated state. Learn to recognize the signals when someone is becoming dysregulated, how the environment may be triggering and tools for a healthier outcome. Shifting your approach from a behavioral perspective to regulation focused response helps everyone, but is crucial for the 1-in 5 neurodiverse individuals whose struggles are not visible.
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