Event date: 2/23/2024 9:00 AM - 10:00 AM Export event
Josh Klapperick
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Ethics and Boundaries: Stepping Forward when Colleagues Cross the Line

NASW Wisconsin

12pm-1pm CT
Presented by Dana Johnson, MSW
Description: Ethics & Boundaries has never been this fun to learn! You will learn and enhance professional skills in conflict resolution and understanding conflict theories. Exploring difficult crucial conversations; you will build skills in the 5 Essentials to Navigating Difficult Conversations with peers and gain the ability to hold colleagues accountable when needed. Communication styles and mitigation of risk is examined through personal and professional review of workplace culture. This workshop focuses on appropriate ethics and boundaries in client-social worker, therapist, counselor and peer-to-peer relationships. Use of workbook activities, case scenarios and personal reflection will foster understanding of ethical, reflective practice with clients, agency and colleague ethical challenges in the workplace, and building skills in communication, and cooperative confrontation. We will examine how appreciation in the workplace can relieve ethical dilemmas and improve decision making. You won’t learn this content anywhere else!
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