Event date: 9/28/2023 Export event
Mark Wills
/ Categories: Uncategorized

Critical Issues in Risk Management

Ethical Challenges in Social Work Documentation | NASW New Jersey

For many social workers, documentation is among the least appealing aspects of their jobs. In fact, the quality of social workers’ documentation often determines the outcomes of lawsuits and licensing board complaints filed against them. Skilled documentation that is consistent with ethical standards often leads to positive litigation and licensing board decisions. In contrast, poor documentation can be disastrous when introduced as evidence in court and licensing board proceedings. Dr. Frederic Reamer will draw on his extensive experience as an expert witness in litigation and licensing board cases throughout the United States.

Learning objectives:
  • Identify the implications of skilled documentation for risk management in social work.
  • Avoid common documentation mistakes.
  • Implement ethics-informed documentation strategies to protect clients and prevent lawsuits and licensing board complaints.
Register for Ethical Challenges in Social Work Documentation: Critical Issues in Risk Management at https://www.eventbrite.com/e/6-ceu-bundle-ethics-institute-with-frederic-g-reamer-phd-registration-681556292217?aff=oddtdtcreator.
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