Event date: 9/14/2023 Export event Mark Wills / Thursday, August 10, 2023 / Categories: Uncategorized Boundary Issues and Dual Relationships in Social Work Ethical and Risk Management Challenges | NASW New Jersey Social workers frequently encounter complex ethical challenges involving boundaries and dual relationships. Examples include proper management of confidential and private information when practitioners live and work in small or rural communities; practitioner self-disclosure; friendships and social contact with current and former clients; managing favors, gifts, and invitations; hiring of former clients; and online and social networking relationships and communications, among others. Using extensive case material, Dr. Frederic Reamer will acquaint participants with a typology of boundary issues and dual relationships. Participants will learn how to identify and respond constructively to complex boundary issues, protect clients, prevent professional malpractice, and avoid licensing board complaints. Key topics will include the nature of boundary issues, types of dual relationships, ethical standards, and risk-management strategies. Learning objectives: Identify ethics and risk management issues related to professional boundaries and dual relationships in social work. Apply relevant ethics standards to manage boundaries and dual relationships. Use protocols designed to protect clients and help prevent litigation and ethics complaints. Register for Boundary Issues and Dual Relationships in Social Work: Ethical and Risk Management Challenges at https://www.eventbrite.com/e/6-ceu-bundle-ethics-institute-with-frederic-g-reamer-phd-registration-681556292217?aff=oddtdtcreator. Previous Article Protecting Clients and Ourselves Next Article American Red Cross Council: Mass Violence in America Print 2449 Tags: virtual continuing education webinar chapter new jersey Related articles Undoing the Perpetuation of Structural/Systemic Racism: It’s a Public Health Crisis Ethics of Essential-Self Care for Clinicians Professional Development Bullying in Social Context: Promoting Resilience for Insecure Children and Teens Diversity, Equity, and Social Work: Continual Improvement Webinar Borderless Care: Navigating Transnational Caregiving in a Globalized World