Event date: 9/11/2023 Export event
Mark Wills
/ Categories: Uncategorized

Quality Leadership

NASW Vermont

This is a workshop designed for people in leadership roles. How do you as a supervisor best assist your supervisees with their own professional development so they can best serve their clients? This course will help supervisors identify leadership styles, strengths, and areas for improvement. During the training supervisory strategies and skills will be reviewed and practiced. Supervision issues that will be covered include team development, communication styles, providing feedback, conflict management, utilizing professional development plans, ethical dilemmas in supervision, and recruitment and retention practices.

At the end of this workshop participants will be able to:
  • Identify supervisory styles and how to use each style most effectively;
  • Identify team development & staging and associated strategies;
  • Explain effective communication and feedback strategies;
  • Describe strategies to improve retention and recruitment success; and
  • Discuss the decision making process in supervision ethical dilemmas.
7 CEUs (2 of which are in Ethics) available for relicensure approved by NASW-VT.

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