Event date: 5/4/2023 Export event
Mark Wills
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Getting to the Root: Dismantling Racism in Family Separation Systems

NASW New Hampshire

The UNH Department of Social Work Gorroff Fund, the UNH Sustainability Institute and the NASW NH Chapter are proud to host this webinar with national experts focused on eliminating racial disparities and oppression in the child welfare system.

Attendees will learn the history of family separation policies dating back to slavery, and how racist practices continue today. Keynote speaker and award winning scholar, Dorothy Roberts, will discuss her current research and most recent book, Torn Apart: How the child welfare system destroys black families and how abolition could build a safer world (Basic Books, 2023).

Ms. Roberts is joined by a panel of child welfare reformers, Dr. Sharon McDaniel, Sixto Cancel, Juanetta Jalaine, and Dee Bonnick, each who have utilized their lived experience in the child welfare system as a catalyst to pursue necessary system changes. Webinar attendees are encouraged to actively engage in critical conversations with the presenters/panelists in an effort to understand how an anti-racist approach can improve the lives of children and families.

Dr. Sherri Simmons-Horton, an expert in addressing racial inequities and current UNH Social Work professor, serves as the moderator for this important presentation and discussion.

3 CE available

Register for Getting to the Root at https://www.eventbrite.com/e/getting-to-the-root-dismantling-racism-in-family-separation-systems-tickets-612407596607?discount=UNH2023.
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