Event date: 3/17/2023 Export event
Mark Wills
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Brain Development and Learning Consent During Childhood

NASW Vermont

In this training you will: a) understand the skills involved in respecting consent b) learn the developmental connections between childhood empathy and adult actions c) learn brain science findings on empathy and the optimal developmental window to acquire it d) learn about primary prevention strategies beginning in early childhood to prevent child sexual abuse and perpetration.

You will receive practical steps you can take to teach children empathy-based consent. This training is useful for social workers who work with youth, foster parents, adoptive families, and at-risk families.

2 CEs Approved by NASW VT #1106

Register for Brain Development and Learning Consent During Childhood at https://naswinstitute.inreachce.com/Details/Information/2740da33-4db7-466a-a197-956bac8ef609.
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