Event date: 6/2/2023 Export event Mark Wills / Wednesday, December 21, 2022 / Categories: Uncategorized Digital Technology and Clinical Supervision AND Independent Supervision Best Practices NASW Virginia and NASW Metro DC 8:30 a.m.-5 p.m. EasternDuring this highly interactive seminar with industry scenarios, you’ll engage to strengthen your foundation of today’s best-practice knowledge and enhance your skills to excel in the critical role of clinical supervisor. Day 1 explores the ethical divide of digital technology in supervision, while Day 2 focuses on the best practices in independent supervision. Topics covered include managing ethical disruption by technology proficiency, using social media and e-communication appropriately, recognizing mandatory duty-to-warn situations, and managing industry demands for interstate practice and licensure portability. You’ll also learn to identify essential requirements of independent clinical supervision practice, understand vicarious liability in the independent clinical supervision process, and recognize how evaluation is integral to the independent supervision process.14 CEs available, including 14 ethics CEs availableRegister for Digital Technology and Clinical Supervision AND Independent Supervision Best Practices at https://netforum.avectra.com/eweb/DynamicPage.aspx?Site=NASWVA&WebCode=EventDetail&evt_key=93487bb3-31e7-474a-8f4e-1e2b9b798811. Previous Article Digital Technology and Clinical Supervision AND Independent Supervision Best Practices Next Article Ethics & Boundaries: Embracing the Gray in Post-Pandemic Practice Print 1160 Tags: virtual continuing education webinar chapter dc metro virginia metro dc Related articles Undoing the Perpetuation of Structural/Systemic Racism: It’s a Public Health Crisis Ethics of Essential-Self Care for Clinicians Professional Development Bullying in Social Context: Promoting Resilience for Insecure Children and Teens Diversity, Equity, and Social Work: Continual Improvement Webinar Borderless Care: Navigating Transnational Caregiving in a Globalized World