Event date: 6/23/2023 Export event
Mark Wills
/ Categories: Uncategorized

Supervision: Foundations of Supervision

NASW Virginia and NASW Metro DC

8:30 a.m.-5 p.m. Eastern

This two-day seminar addresses the most critical issues for the clinical supervisor in social work. It provides an overview of supervision that is useful both for new supervisors and those wanting to refresh their supervision skills. Through presentation, large-group and small-group discussions, you will be exploring the purpose, role, and function of supervision; theories and models; oversight and guidance of supervisees, who diagnose, create treatment plans, and treat clients; individual and group supervision facilitation; parallel process and the importance of modeling strengths-based principles in supervision; and ethical issues that arise in supervision. This course fulfills the training requirement mandated by the Virginia Board of Social Work to provide clinical supervision for LCSW candidates.

14 CEs available, including 2 ethics CEs

Register for Supervision: Foundations of Supervision at https://netforumpro.com/eweb/DynamicPage.aspx?Site=NASWVA&WebCode=EventDetail&evt_key=08fab6bc-65fc-44d1-9fcc-e4dfa8e8ac72.
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